This is one of my favorite moments from one of my favorite comics1:
So, if you don’t read superhero comics, I am sorry to inform you that not every superhero comic is this fantastic. BUT every issue of The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl is this fantastic.
Rumor is an omnibus of the entire run will be for sale next year.2 Spider-Man swings by in only a couple issues, but Kraven is a recurring guest star. And Brain Drain (as written by Ryan North) is one of my all-time favorite characters!
May the brutal truth of the cosmos stop you in your tracks when you most need stopping.
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl 35, by Ryan North and Derek Charm, the entire story is collected in “Squirrels Fall Like Dominoes”
I will be preordering the first day it’s possible.
I don't know much about superhero comics except that a few years ago I bought my husband all of (I think?) the Spawn comics that he liked when he was a kid.
The comics I read as a kid (which I still have, thank you very much) included: Tales from the Crypt, The Vault of Horror, and of course, Betty and Veronica.
Squirrel Girl has been on my list for a while!