
If you’re curious, here’s Walt’s favorite poem that he alludes to in the second section:

“Since all the riches of this world

May be gifts from the Devil and earthly kings,

I should suspect that I worshipp’d the Devil

If I thank’d my God for worldly things.”

-William Blake

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What became of Maeve? Do you know? Ominous interaction between the two of you.

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The prayer thing had me thinking today......wow!

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That was a rollercoaster, Wil.

I smiled about things: "I tried not to stare, which was challenging because I had lost my sunglasses in the water earlier in the day." Been there.

I remembered things: Like I used to be into reading my horoscope when I was younger, and I learned that all astrological signs have specific erogenous zones. Mine was my knees, which was...um...interesting. The guy I was into was a Scorpio - so... his "zone" was his dick. 😂 That just seemed obvious. And terrifying. I just wanted him to squeeze my knee!

This story also reminded me, sadly, how much lying kids do to each other. And how much they lie because they're afraid to be who they are. The scene with Maeve made my heart hurt. For her and for Walt. I wanted a better moment for both of them.

And did you mean to call Jeff Jack? 😂 I thought maybe it was a joke. Am I in on it? Or was it just a typo. I have a friend who routinely misnames my husband Jack as Jake or Jeff to be funny. The joke's going on year 10 at this point.

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