Dec 17, 2023Liked by Wil Dalton

And your daughter, realising the weight of sentiment at the future pool party is for 'Marco Polo' and against 'Cthulu and Lulu', will wisely go with the flow, shrug and say "Okay. So whose going to be Marco and who Polo?" 🦈 & 🏊‍♀️

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Oh, I've passed on so much weirdness I don't even know where to begin.

We just made up a new game, but I can't share it here, because I plan to write about it for Christmas. :-)

Your kids will always love you, even if they're pretending with all their might that they don't in front of their friends. For now, do like I do and revel in the season of shameless love that happens when they're young. My kids tell me I'm great every day and I try really hard to listen. Mostly because I really need to hear it. 😉

I only know who Cthulhu is because YOU mentioned it once somewhere and I had to look it up. 😂

Merry Christmastime, Wil!

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