August in the Shadows is a great title. I say open a new doc and pants the whole novel. You'll thank me when they ask you to write the screenplay for the Apple TV series.

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This seems false to me: "It’s easy to have direction and do the right moral thing when you’re being chased by some Halloween slasher freak."

When I was a kid, my dad would take us to the haunted house, and we'd wait in an hour-long line to get in, and in that line, a guy with a chainsaw would run up and down scaring us, and I would scratch at my dad and try to crawl up his leg, I'd get so scared.

A couple of years ago, I went with my husband and Mom and sister to the same haunted house. Chainsaw guy didn't come until the end. Three of them actually. I flung my husband off my hand, sprinted full speed out of there, knocking down little kids like bowling pins on the way. How's that for morals? 😂😂😂

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This is my favorite, Weirdo: “You must have an uncomfortable life,” Aastha replied and spat on Jane’s biscuits and jam.

Cute coffee breaks, Meg!

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So rad. Lucky staff.

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Something tells me you crushed it in ResLife.

Thanks for the shout out. Coffee looks good. And now everyone know that I work for hat-tips. 😉

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